BYF !!

sb to unfollow, terrible memory, please use tone indicators with me, dm me if I ever follow someone problematic and i will unf, all interactions of mine are platonic, do not private qrt me, fine with die/deactivate/kys jokes

DNI !!

basic dni criteria, -12 or 21+, sexualize minors, cross ccs boundaries, support: schlatt, a6d, minx, kacey, technoblade, fundy, hbomb or cmc (introjects, d/a’s, and hyperfixarions are ok !), anti any of the ccs i like, irl shipper

self harm, suicide, abuse, eating disorders, any sort of neg about any of my favs

i will hold ccs accountable for their behavior and do not condone all that my favorites have done

tubbo, ranboo, tommyinnit, wilbur soot, jack manifold

tubbotwt benchtwt bootwt beetwt innittwt clingytwt alliumtwt